Friday, November 14, 2008

And the beat goes on...

I know. I know. I've been kind of slacking off with this blog lately. But I haven't really had much I wanted to put up. That is, obviously, until today! I've been hitting the easel fairly regularly these days - not doing anything of much import, but practicing, which is deathly important. Deathly. God's truth. Anyway, I've burned through four more mini canvases doing mini portraits and I'm here to share the results.

Clockwise from the upper left we have; Kari, Gretchen, Bonnie, and Danielle. The fun has been in trying a different approach each time. With Kari I was still drawing with a brush with asphaltum , but I changed my approach to handling of the eyes, which I like. Both with Gretchen and Danielle I did an under painting in terre verte but where I was going for darker shadows with Gretchen (and leaving the picture-plane left eye all in shadow) I tried a higher key handling of Danielle. Also I tried mixing different combinations than my tired go-to flesh formula, and I think it turned out ok. It's hard to see in the picture, but I like the handling of the area around the mouth. Bonnie was kind of a mixed bag of approaches. I did an actual charcoal drawing for the structure (since I'm more confident with a pencil than with a brush) and took my go-to flesh formula and complemented it with mixtures that I learned painting Danielle. The overall handling of paint in this one is more of what I'm after. More chunks. Less blend. We'll have to wait to see where I go from here.

And the beat goes on.


Felton said...

Vaughn, these look amazing. You've grown and improved a great deal since CCA. You should be proud.

I like the facets in these faces. They remind me of Modigliani in some way.

Felton said...

Oh, and I recognized Bonnie right away! (I don't think I know the other women.)